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A Study on the Service Quality and Satisfaction of NMMST for Outdoor Education of Elementary School Teachers in Keelung |
作者 |
張榮蘭、李永翔、林群益、蘇蜂鈞、何宗儒 |
中文摘要 |
國立海洋科技博物館(簡稱海科館)2014 年 1 月正式對外開放。館方規劃的環境教育課程,具海洋環境教育特色,成為基隆市實施校外教學最理想的環境場域。為了解基隆市國民小學教師以該館為校外教學地點所感受到的服務品質滿意度,本研究透過問卷調查進行研究。正式問卷用抽樣方式調查基隆市 42 所公立國小教師,共發放 881 份問卷,回收有效問卷為 484 份,回收率約為 54.9%。研究結果顯示受訪者最滿意的是館內整體環境乾淨舒適、空間讓人感到自在與安全,最不滿意則是展示區休息座位不足、館方人員為積極推廣各項活動。在服務品質滿意度構面分析中,研究顯示在性別、教師年資、是否為國教輔導團、以及學校所在行政區的屬性上有著顯著差異。此外有 88.6%的教師採用聆聽導覽解說和學習單作為校外教學的學習方式。顯示受訪教師相當依賴NMMST 導覽人員的服務,並更在意其專業性與服務態度,受到海科館委外營運模式影響,本研究發現此項業務有其改進的空間,這應是未來政府接管海科館營運時所必須考慮的重點。
National Museum of Marine Science & Technology (NMMST) was opening in January 2014. NMMST designs environmental education courses with marine environmental education characteristics to have it become an environmental field for outdoor education in Keelung. This questionnaire survey is proceeded to understand the perceived service quality and satisfaction to elementary school teachers in Keelung using NMMST as the outdoor education place. The teachers of 42 elementary schools in Keelung are sampled for the survey. Total 881 copies of the questionnaire are distributed, and 484 valid copies are retrieved, with a retrieval rate 54.9%. The research results reveal that most satisfied with the respondents is the overall environment of the museum clean and comfortable, and space makes feel comfortable and safe. The most dissatisfied is the display area seating is insufficient, the museum staff to actively promote the activities. In the factor analysis of service quality satisfaction, the research shows that a significant difference in gender, teacher seniority, whether or not the State Education Tutoring Group, and the administrative regions of the school location. In addition, 88.6% of teachers use guided commentary and study sheets as the way to learn outside the classroom in NMMST. It shows that teachers rely heavily on the NMMST Navigator's services and are more concerned with their professionalism and service attitude. This study found that services have room for improvement, which influenced by NMMST's outsourcing operation mode. This should be the key point that the government must take into account when it takes over the operation of the NMMST. |
英文摘要 |
National Museum of Marine Science & Technology (NMMST) was opening in January 2014. NMMST designs environmental education courses with marine environmental education characteristics to have it become an environmental field for outdoor education in Keelung. This questionnaire survey is proceeded to understand the perceived service quality and satisfaction to elementary school teachers in Keelung using NMMST as the outdoor education place. The teachers of 42 elementary schools in Keelung are sampled for the survey. Total 881 copies of the questionnaire are distributed, and 484 valid copies are retrieved, with a retrieval rate 54.9%. The research results reveal that most satisfied with the respondents is the overall environment of the museum clean and comfortable, and space makes feel comfortable and safe. The most dissatisfied is the display area seating is insufficient, the museum staff to actively promote the activities. In the factor analysis of service quality satisfaction, the research shows that a significant difference in gender, teacher seniority, whether or not the State Education Tutoring Group, and the administrative regions of the school location. In addition, 88.6% of teachers use guided commentary and study sheets as the way to learn outside the classroom in NMMST. It shows that teachers rely heavily on the NMMST Navigator's services and are more concerned with their professionalism and service attitude. This study found that services have room for improvement, which influenced by NMMST's outsourcing operation mode. This should be the key point that the government must take into account when it takes over the operation of the NMMST. |
起訖頁 |
15-50 |
關鍵詞 |
國立海洋科技博物館、校外教學、服務品質、滿意度、因素分析、National Museum of Marine Science & Technology、Outdoor Eduation、Service Quality、Satisfaction、Factor Analysis |
刊名 |
華人前瞻研究 |
期數 |
201805 (14:1期) |
出版單位 |
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價值鍊理論探討非營利組織經營之研究 |
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創新型充氣衣架結構之研究 |