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概念圖搭配 wiki 製作網頁教材探討學生學習成效之研究
A Study on Learning Effect of Wiki Web Materials by Using Concept Maps
作者 黃華山施威佑林為民林曼莉
受到資訊科技及網路時代蓬勃發展的影響,教育型態從傳統的教科書教學轉變為數位學習,甚至將概念圖融入其中,因此為了評估 Novak 概念圖搭配 wiki 輔助學習網頁教材在計算機概論課程之學習成效。本研究採用準實驗法進行實驗設計,以高職一年級三個班級共 119 位學生為研究對象,並建置三種不同的輔助學習網頁教材,分別為 Novak概念圖、多維式概念圖與 Novak 概念圖搭配 wiki 輔助學習網頁教材,藉以進行學習成效、知覺有用性、知覺易用性與學習態度之分析比較。經由分析結果得知,Novak 概念圖搭配 wiki 輔助學習網頁教材在學習成效、知覺有用性、知覺易用性與學習態度上都優於其他二組,表示學生認為 Novak 概念圖搭配 wiki輔助學習網頁教材的使用是容易的,未來不但願意繼續使用此種教材,更認為對他們的學習成效是有所助益的。 Affected by the rising of the development of information technology and Internet Age. Educational types are shifted from traditional textbook teaching to digital learning and use concept mapping to blend the course. This study assesses learning effective of wiki web materials by using concept maps on computer science course. Quasi-experimental method was used for this study. 119 students from three classes of high school as a research object. And build three different learning models to evaluate how learning effects of students are influenced. The learning models are Traditional Novak concept maps, Multidimensional concept maps, and concept maps with wiki web material. And analyze the perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use and attitude toward learning among three different learning models. The result of this study shows that the learning effect, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use and attitude toward learning of concept maps with wiki web material group are better than the other two groups. Students think using the concept maps with wiki web materials can influence their learning effect, and the concept maps with wiki web material let they feel easy to use, so they want to use materials next times.
Affected by the rising of the development of information technology and Internet Age. Educational types are shifted from traditional textbook teaching to digital learning and use concept mapping to blend the course. This study assesses learning effective of wiki web materials by using concept maps on computer science course. Quasi-experimental method was used for this study. 119 students from three classes of high school as a research object. And build three different learning models to evaluate how learning effects of students are influenced. The learning models are Traditional Novak concept maps, Multidimensional concept maps, and concept maps with wiki web material. And analyze the perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use and attitude toward learning among three different learning models. The result of this study shows that the learning effect, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use and attitude toward learning of concept maps with wiki web material group are better than the other two groups. Students think using the concept maps with wiki web materials can influence their learning effect, and the concept maps with wiki web material let they feel easy to use, so they want to use materials next times.
起訖頁 69-99
關鍵詞 概念圖wiki學習成效Concept MapsWiki Web MaterialsLearning Effective
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201805 (14:1期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 超越對立:國家與市場關係的再反思




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