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Using integrated formula with Zhi-Bai-Di-Huang-Wan and Mai-Men-Dong-Tang to relieve low back pain immediately – a case study
作者 王宏銘 (Hung-Ming Wang)徐培倩葉家豪 (Chia-Hao Yeh)林俐嘉
腰酸痛是臨床上極其常見的症狀。成年人中高達84%的人在一生中有過腰酸痛的情形。對許多人來說,長期和反覆性的腰部不適會干擾生活品質。腰酸痛在中老年人的常見原因包括脊椎側彎、骨質疏鬆、腰椎勞損,腰神經根病變,神經根刺激,以及骨關節病變等可能。此外腎臟問題,或是腫瘤也可能導致中老年人腰酸痛。手術治療和藥物治療是目前最常使用的方法,但手術有可能造成嚴重的併發症。 而長期使用止痛藥,像是NSAID以及普拿疼,也需要考慮其副作用對人體的影響。因此,許多腰酸痛的病人藉由尋求非侵入治療且副作用低的中醫藥來處理他們的不適。 本案例為一名68歲的男性患者出現腰酸痛已一年,且腰酸感覺大於腰痛,治則為潤肺養陰,滋腎生水,稍佐溫陽化氣行水之品,使用五行中的金水相生概念處方用藥。在服用知柏地黃丸、麥門冬湯、五苓散加減方後,腰酸痛現象在三週內獲得快速緩解。希望本病案能提供臨床治療腰酸痛病人非侵入治療的新選擇。
Low back pain is a common clinical symptom. Up to 84 percent of adults have low back pain at some time in their lives. For many people, low back pain is recurrent or chronic, causing severe pain that interferes the quality of life. Common causes of low back pain include lumbar strain, lumbar radiculopathy, nerve irritation, and conditions of the bone and joints. Furthermore, kidney problems, and tumors may also cause low back pain. Surgical treatment and medical treatment are the most common way to treat this problem, but the complications of surgery that near the spine and spinal cord can be very serious. There are concerns about the side effects of medicine such as NSAID or acetaminophen, particularly as patients are likely to be used for a long time. Not surprisingly, many people with low back pain have turned to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in search of a non-invasion way to manage their discomfort. A 68-year-old male patient experienced severe low back pain for about one year. In this case, we adopted its efficacy at enrich lung and kidney yin, warm yang and promote qi transformation. We used “mutual engendering of metal and water” concept of five phases to prescribe these formulae. The discomfort was completely disappeared after taking Chinese herbal formulae which contains a fixed ratio of four commercially available traditional Chinese medicines, Zhi-Bai-Di-Huang-Wan, Mai-Men-Dong-Tang, Wu-Ling-San and Bai-Ji. This approach seems to offer a non-invasive alternative treatment for low back pain.
起訖頁 47-58
關鍵詞 腰酸腰痛中藥金水相生sore backlow back paintraditional Chinese medicinemutual engendering of metal and water
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201409 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-上一篇 四季四物湯作為婦人血虛經病「因時制宜」的治療及預防養生的探討
該期刊-下一篇 清利濕熱法治療泛發性濕疹病例檢討




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