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The Si-Wu-Tang Suited for Four Seasons used in woman who has deficiency of blood for adaptation to timing and treatment preventing cultivating and the exploration
作者 陳玫妃林昭庚陳慧毅張賢哲周淑媚
Woman with blood deficiency-oriented, The first prescription for improving blood circulation and menstrual period is Si-Wu-Tang, which is the basic prescription of gynecologic diseases. In the original text of “Ji-Yin-Gang-Mu‧Tiao-Jing-Men” for Si-Wu-Tang, it was used as general prescription applicable for four seasons. The author, Ming Dynasty of Wu, Zhi-Wang suggested the followings: “In spring, to take Si-Wu-Tang including Fangfeng, plus addition of Fangfeng with double portion of Chuanqiong; in summer, to take Si-Wu-Tang including Huangqin, plus addition of Huangqin with double portion of Shaoyao; in autumn, to take Si-Wu-Tang including Mendong, with double portion of Dihuang; in winter, to take Si-Wu-Tang including Guizhi, plus addition of Guizhi with double portion of Danggui” adaptation to timing in the treatment and prevention of health as a woman deficiency of Menstrual Disease.The theory of Medical treatment is originated from “Su-Wen-Bing-Ji-Qi-Yi-Bao-Ming-Ji . Fu-Ren-Tai-Chan-Lun” by Liu, Wan-Su, in which suggested that how to apply the portion of herbs properly during all seasons for usage Si-Wu-Tang. The paper of theory applied according to “Ji-Yin-Gang-Mu” of Si-Wu-Tang Suited for Four Seasons. According to the theories of “Neijing” as well as the argumentations in relation to ancient books of herbs, to make translation of Si-Wu-Tang Suited for Four Seasons of spiritual writings. Hope to explore in this paper, in the future to expand the established Si-Wu-Tang Suited for Four Seasons practical application in clinical gynecologic disease patterns.
起訖頁 29-46
關鍵詞 濟陰網目四物湯四季四物湯因時制宜內經養生理論"Ji-Yin-Gang-Mu"Si-Wu-TangSi-Wu-Tang Suited for Four SeasonsAdaptation to Timing"Neijing" of Health theory
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201409 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-上一篇 「流動」的疾病觀:從武威醫簡一則談起
該期刊-下一篇 知柏地黃丸合麥門冬湯快速緩解腰痠痛之醫案報告




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