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臺灣中醫醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Concept of Mobility Disease: Beginning from an Overlookedarticle of the Discovered Wu-wei Bamboo Medical Document
作者 林伯欣
本文試圖以武威醫簡中一段被忽略的出土竹簡紀錄為開端,重新審析考證漢末之前古典中醫學文本裡「大風」與「癘」可能涵蓋的病理意義;並著重於延伸探討在西元三世紀結束前,社會文化與醫學文本對「風」的描述、理解、相關生理病理知識的進展,以及衍生出的各種病證與治療觀念。 在歷代知識與經驗不斷擴大化與複雜化的同時,「風」的意涵除了逐漸脫離單純氣候變化的現象,時人也企圖透過掌握「風」的變化規則與特性為國族與個人生存條件找出更多的可能性。 古典中醫學視「風」為重要議題,從直觀自然界的風氣變化開始,逐漸將「風」的質性與現象加入建構成為群組概念,並與疾病相連結。因此中醫學的「風邪」概念便不再只是異常的空氣流動現象,而是包含實際可感受的氣象變化及與風相似相屬的隱喻對比觀點。中醫學的基本理論也就在這種原型概念與跨域整合交互浸潤的過程中,逐漸堆疊出理論與應用的範疇。
In this thesis, the pathological significance regarding “strong wing''(大風) and ''plague'' (癘)in classic Chinese medical texts dated before the end of Han dynasty is re-evaluated and re-examinated. In addition, the discussion is extended throughout the time dated before the end of the third century A.D. regarding the description and understanding of ''wind''(風) in the social, cultural and medical records, its associated physiological and pathological progress, as well as the symptoms and treatments derived from the progress. The significance of ''wind'' gradually moves away from the plain expression of the climatic phenomenon as knowledge and experience continuously expands and complicates with the time. The medical concept attempts to search additional potentials for human survival through better grasp of the pattern and characteristics of ''wind''. The classic Chinese medicine considers ''wind'' a critical topic in its development, initiating from observing the change pattern of the wind, progressively adding the substance and characteristics of the wind to form different module concepts that can be linked to the diseases. Therefore, the concept of '' Feng Xie ''(風邪, pathogenic influence)in Chinese medicine can no longer be simplified as the air movements. It implies for the sensible climatic changes and the medical metaphor. The formation of the fundamental Chinese medical theories, as well as the related practical implications, were cumulated through this prototype building and cross-domain integration development approach.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 大風麻風古典中醫學Wind(風)Strong Wing(大風)Plague(癘)LeprosyThe Classic Chinese Medicine
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201409 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-下一篇 四季四物湯作為婦人血虛經病「因時制宜」的治療及預防養生的探討




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