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The case review of treating general eczema with dampness draining and heat clearing
作者 王瑜婷許堯欽
This 52-year-old male patient denied any systemic disease but diabetes mellitus. He had been suffered from itching papules since one year ago. The papules was spread from his back to whole body. The symptoms got severe after his retirement and topical therapy was in vain. The purple-black papules and plaques with scales over his back, flank and upper extremities, erosion over feet, fissure and reddish papules around his lips. His tongue was enlarged, pale red with teeth-marked. White, slimy fur was over his tongue. His pulse condition showed slippery with rapid in right hand and string-like with slippery in left hand. The holistic differential diagnosis was pattern of dampness –heat. Wei-Ling Decoction was combined with Gan-Lu Yin for drying dampness to fortify the spleen. Huang-Lian ointment and decoction of kushan(?Radix Sophorae) and huangbo(?Cortex Phellodendri) were topical use. After the treatment, the condition became worse. We shift Gan-Lu Yin to?Long-Dan-Xie-Gan Tang , and dosage of kushan(?Radix Sophorae) was added in topical use for dry dampness. The skin lesion was improved after the treatment. We kept using the principle of drying dampness and clear heat for two months. The condition of his skin lesion was stable.
起訖頁 59-72
關鍵詞 泛發性濕疹清利濕熱胃苓湯龍膽瀉肝湯general eczemadry dampness and clear heatWei-Ling DecoctionLong-Dan-Xie-Gan Tang
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201409 (12:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-上一篇 知柏地黃丸合麥門冬湯快速緩解腰痠痛之醫案報告
該期刊-下一篇 《金匱要略》五臟死脈條文釐定與闡釋




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