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When Water Flows, A Channel is Formed: Environment, Institutions, and Irrigation Management in Ming-Qing Shanxi
作者 張繼瑩
Rich historical documents relating to irrigation management have beenpreserved in Shanxi, attracting the attention of researchers. Scholars alreadyregard irrigation as a major theme in Shanxi’s historical development. Thispaper attempts to situate irrigation in the context of environmental and institutionalchange, re-examining the significance of irrigation in Shanxi society.Further, this paper analyzes the influence of irrigation on daily life through theeyes of officials, irrigation leaders, and peasants. By discussing irrigation froma variety of different perspectives, it can be seen that the instability of Shanxi’senvironment was the factor limiting the efficacy of irrigation. Although tax andcorvée reforms implemented in the mid to late Ming made ordinary people takeon irrigation management, in reality local officials used the land-water-corvéeprinciple to even more strictly regulate irrigational development and affairs.This was the case to such an extent that, in their operations, non-governmentalirrigation organizations not only had to make good the damage caused by environmentalfactors, but also had to respond to demands for tax or corvée laborfrom the local authorities. Caught up in this situation, however, though peopleknew that irrigation brought certain benefits, they also clearly understood thatwhen they used irrigation they became subject to various outside controls. As aconsequence, water conservation through effective irrigation was by no meansa common goal of everyday life shared by all in Shanxi society, but rather aresponse to environmental and institutional change, and the result of mutualinteraction between people of various identities.
起訖頁 173-202
關鍵詞 灌溉山西地水夫原則賦役改革IrrigationShanxiland-water-corvée principletax reform
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201803 (36:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 達士窮途之悲,壯夫歧路之淚──夏完淳〈大哀賦〉的自悼與自贖
該期刊-下一篇 ──官落寞畫平生──論「銅官感舊圖」題詠與章壽麟沉浮晚清的宦途得失




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