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Metal and Methyl Methacrylate Allergy and Its Screening Methods Associated with Dental Practice
作者 劉麗寶趙寶強楊慶章郭性麟
本研究是以 Merck 藥廠之 Patch Test Products DS-1000 Dental Screening 作為致敏原測試劑,針對牙體技術人員42名做貼膚試驗(patch test)。觀察貼膚時間48小時及72小時之皮膚反應,通常陽性反應者會在48時至72小時內出現濕疹樣的皮膚反應,以了解其過敏型接觸性皮膚炎發生的比率。雖然目前勞委會勞工安全衛生研究所己完成牙體技術人員職業傷病之調查研究,但有關牙體技術工作場所職業衛生方面的研究仍然不足。所以我們希望藉由投入這個領域所做的探討,能更加了解本土牙體技術工作的概況。研究結果顯示觀察貼膚48小時對 Patssium dichromate (二鉻酸鉀)、Mercury (汞)、Cobalt chloride (氣化鈷)、Goldsodiumthiosulphate (硫代硫酸納金)、Nickel sulfate (硫酸鎳)、Copper sulfate (硫酸銅)、Palladium chloride(氣化鈀)、Tin (錫)等金屬過敏者均佔50.0%以上,顯示金屬過敏是非常普遍的現象。但無人對 Methyl methacrylate (MMA) (甲基丙烯酸甲酯)有過敏反應,可能是因為 MMA 是牙科復形用壓克力樹脂料料,在調拌、聚合、擠壓、成形過程只需5-10分鐘,所以人員接觸 MMA 時間非常短暫所致。本研究之結果顯示牙體技術工作場所應改進其通風、排氣及抽氣之功能以減少牙體技術場所之過敏原。
Patch Test Products DS-1000 Dental Screening of Merck pharmaceutical factory were used as allergens testing kits, which were stuck on the backs of 42 dental technicians. The positive reactions will show eczema on skin after 48 to 72 hours. Although National Labor Committee has completed the study on the occupational diseases experienced by the dental technicians, it was still not enough as far as the hygiene aspect of the dental firms was concerned. We hope to engage in this area in order to improve the working environment of the dental firms. More than 50.0% of positive reactions are observed after 48 hours for Patassium dichromate, Mercury, Cobalt chloride, Goldsodiumthiosulphate, Nickel sulfate, Copper sulfate, Palladium chloride and Tin, showing that metal-cause allergy is a popular phenomena. But no allergic reaction was observed for Methyl methacrylate (MMA ).The reason might be the relatively shorter contact time during blending, polymerization, pressing and forming processes,. This research shows that dental firms should improve their ventilation and hooding systems in order to reduce the allergic sources.
起訖頁 101-108
關鍵詞 金屬甲基丙烯酸甲酯過敏牙體技術人員貼膚試驗MetalMethyl methacrylateAllergyDental techniciansPatch test
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201303 (42期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 發展原住民觀光之觀點
該期刊-下一篇 高雄市汽車失竊防制之探討




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