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Perspective of Developing Indigenous Tourism
作者 陳嬿郁周佳蓉 (Jia-Rong Chou)
本研究以歷史發展背景探討台灣原住民觀光的瓶頸與挫折,並以「真實旅遊」(reality tours) 或稱「社會旅遊」(social tours) 的另類旅遊(alternative tourism)給予遊客教育與體會真實,推動於台灣原住民地區之可行性。採用文獻回顧法,經文獻探討以下主題:(1)目前台灣原住民觀光的困境;(2)探討助貧觀光的相關意涵、定義與目前研究狀況;(3)暸解原住民觀光間之相關議題;最後提出有助於原住民部落文化保留與觀光發展之建言。研究結果顯示,推動原住民觀光,應以公平,利他與道德的態度發展觀光並需取得原住民集體共識,致力於推動原住民自治,並使重現原住民真實文化面貌,而並非將他們原有的核心價值的經濟活動取代,在獲得經濟改善的同時,透過互相瞭解與尊重,減少觀光者與原住民的社會距離感。
The aim of this study is to discuss the frustration of indigenous tourism from the history development perspective. Apply feasibility of promoting alternative tourism such as reality tours, also known as social tours, to Taiwan’s indigenous areas. These types of tours are meant to educate tourists and to provide them with “authentic” or “real” experiences. This study is based on the method of literature review. The difficulties of indigenous area tourism are investigated and suggestions are provided as a reference for indigenous communities in their cultural preservation and tourism development efforts. The following topics are discussed: (1) the difficulties in promoting indigenous area tourism; (2) relevant poverty tourism connotations, definitions and current research; (3) topics related to both poverty tourism and indigenous area tourism and (4) research on and practical suggestions for indigenous area poverty tourism projects. From the results of this study, promotion of indigenous area tourism should be based on the attitudes of fairness, altruism and ethics. In addition, it is necessary to obtain the collective consensus of the indigenous people and to work toward indigenous autonomy. It is also essential to reconstruct the “authentic” cultural aspects while not replacing original core value of economic activities. As indigenous areas obtain economic benefits and mutual understanding, the social distance between tourists and indigenous communities will be reduced.
起訖頁 89-99
關鍵詞 文化觀光核心價值原住民觀光Cultural Tourismcore valueIndigenous tourism
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201303 (42期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 齒模技工所作業環境中生物氣膠調查
該期刊-下一篇 金屬及甲基丙烯酸甲酯致過敏性研究




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