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Investigation of Bioaerosols in the Working Environment of Dental Firms
作者 劉麗寶趙寶強楊慶章郭性麟
齒棋技工所作業環境中,由於牙醫師送來之咬模在病人咬合時可能含有病人之血液及唾液污染,是生物性危害之主要來源。加上生物氣膠普遍存在自然環境中,生物氣膠包括病毒、細菌、真菌、動植物體與其產生的毒素等,除了造成環境的空氣污染外,這些懸浮物粒徑小且經呼吸道進入人體時,會導致工作人員的疾病發生。生物性危害物往往被忽略,但台灣地區長年高溫高濕下,易引起生物氣膠生長繁衍,間接地形成大量的潛在暴露量。因此調查其工作環境中的生物氣膠種類是有必要的,且應進一步作危害物確認與研究。本研究針對牙體技術工作場所作業環境中生物性氣膠進行探討,測定室內溫度、相對濕度、空氣流動速度以及生物性氣膠包括細菌與真菌。本研究結果顯示同為住家環境的牙體技術工作場所,由於缺乏污染物控制設備,新鮮空氣供應不足,所以空氣過濾不完全。而真菌主要菌屬為 Yeas、Aspergillus、Fusarium 與 Penicillium,可能與環境相對濕度偏高有關。至於細菌與真菌濃度多在1000CFU/m3 以上,且革蘭氏陰性菌比值偏高,可能是因為 VOCs 抑制了陽性菌的生長之故。
In the working environment of dental technicians, the major biological hazard come from occluding molds contaminated by saliva and blood. In addition, bioaerosols from a wide range of sources, like viruses; bacteria ; fungal spores parts of plant and animal cell; its products and toxics are another possible environmental risk factor. Because the high temperature and relative humidity in Taiwan facilitate the production of bioaerosols, the two above-mentioned sources of biological hazards might produce a combined effect and pose a potentially exposure risk for the worker. Therefore, further investigation and identification of the bioaerosols in the working environment is necessary. This research focused on the bioaerosols exist in the working environment of the dental firms and measured indoor temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and bioaerosols including bateriars and fungi. Results showed that due to the shorage of pollutants control facilities in the dental firms, supply of fresh air was insufficient and air filtration was not completely effective. Most common fungi found in this study are Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium, and Yeast, which might be related with the high relative humidity. Concentrations of bacteria and fungi generally exceed 1000CFU/m3 and the ratio of gram-negative bacteria are high. The groth of gram-positive bacteria might be suppressed by VOCs.
起訖頁 75-88
關鍵詞 齒模技工所作業環境生物氣膠dental firmsworking environmentbiological aerosols
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201303 (42期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 垃圾焚化廠底渣重金屬脫附性之探討
該期刊-下一篇 發展原住民觀光之觀點




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