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A study of health needs of the middle-aged population in the rural area of Ping-Tung county
作者 蘇貞瑛尹順君黃玫瑰李婉萍
背景: 本研究旨在探討屏東縣某鄉中年人之健康需求,其研究目的為了解(1)了解該鄉中年人的人口特質;(2)了解該鄉中年人的自評健康狀況;(3)了解該鄉中年人口特性資料與自覺健康狀況間之關係;(4)了解該鄉中年人的健康行為、可利用資源及醫療照護需求。方法: 母群體為該鄉40-64 歲鄉民,以系統抽樣法自12 個村中共選取120 位鄉民為研究對象,並以研究對象自填結構性問卷收集資料,共得有效問卷120 份。結果: (1)性別對自覺健康、身體健康狀況及精神健康有顯著的差異。而工作狀況的不同則對自覺健康狀況及精神健康有顯著的差異;(2)在健康行為方面,沒有抽菸喝酒者比有抽菸喝酒者多。有61.7%知道全民健保險業務中,有一項提供40 歲以上成人免費預防保健的服務。而有做過全身健康檢查者只佔30.2﹪;(3)在可利用資源方面,大多數的研究對象在生理、心理、社會各方面都有支持對象;而居住的附近有醫療資源者佔75﹪;(4)在醫療照護需求方面,除現在所接受的醫療照護外,大多數覺得不需要其他醫療照護或治療。結論: 本研究結果可瞭解中年人健康行為與醫療照護需求,期能提供相關照護人員未來擬定中年人健康促進計畫之參考依據。
Object: This study was designed to investigate the health needs of the middle-aged population in the rural area of Ping-Tung County. The purpose of this study was (1) to understand a specific demographic (2) to understand a specific self-reported health status (3) to understand the relationship between the demographic and the self-reported health status (4) to understand health behavior, medical resources and the health needs of the subjects being studied. Methods: In a systematic sampling method from 12 villages, 120 villagers were selected for the study. Data was collected via face-to-face interviews with a specifically structured questionnaire. Results: (1) there was a significant different between gender of the subjects in the self-reported health status, physical status and mental health status; there was also a significant different relative to the employment status in the self-reported health status and mental health status, (2) associated with health behavior patterns, the number of subjects not drinking or smoking was higher than the subjects who smoke and drink. 61.7% of the subjects were aware that people over 40 years are able to participate in a free overall physical assessment yet only 30.2% of the subjects had completed the overall physical assessment, (3) the majority of the subjects had received physical, psychological and social support, and around 75% of the subjects had medical resources near their home (4) the majority of the subjects believed they did not need additional medical services or treatment. Conclusion: These findings could be used as a basis of the health needs amongst the middle-aged populations within a specific rural area of the Ping-Tung County, and for field practitioners to conduct promotional health programs within a specific middle-aged population.
起訖頁 85-98
關鍵詞 中年人健康需求健康行為middle-aged peoplehealth needhealth behavior
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201109 (39期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 線上消費者忠誠度:以電子購物服務品質的視角探討
該期刊-下一篇 台灣電子業之對外直接投資與出口:替代或互補?




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