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Online Consumer Loyalty: A Perspective of Electronic Service Quality
作者 鍾芳貞李耀奎
網路零售業的激烈競爭使得零售商需要不斷吸引新的線上消費者,以及留住當前的顧客。因此需要能以電子購物服務品質的角度更精闢的解釋消費者對購物網站的忠誠意圖,期使網路零售商能夠針對關鍵決定因素作出改進,以維持和吸引顧客的惠顧。這項研究使用241 個臺灣南部的網路消費者樣本實證提出的研究模型,旨在更精闢地解釋網路購物者對購物網站的忠誠意圖。研究結果顯示四個網購服務品質構面(效率、履約、隱私性、產品多樣性)對價值感、 滿意度、 網站使用及忠誠意圖有顯著的正向總效應,除了履約品質對滿意度沒有影響以外。而且,價值感對網站使用和忠誠意圖有顯著的正面的影響(直接效應與總效應),但對滿意度則無。顧客滿意對忠誠意圖有顯著正面的影響,但對網站使用則無。最後,網站使用顯著的導致忠誠意圖。管理的意涵與建議也一併討論。
The fierce industry competition in online retailing presents a constant need for retailers to attract new online consumers as well as retain current ones. It calls for a further insightful explanation of consumers’ loyalty intention of the shopping website from a perspective of electronic service quality (eSQ), which enables online retailers to focus on the key determinants and make improvements to sustain and attract customers’ patronage. This study used a sample of 241 online customers in southern Taiwan and empirically tested a proposed research model aiming to better explain the loyalty intentions of online shoppers. The results revealed that four quality dimensions (efficiency, fulfillment, privacy, and product diversity/selection) have significant and positive total effects on value perceptions, satisfaction, usage, and loyalty intentions, except for the effects of fulfillment on satisfaction. Furthermore, value perceptions have significant and positive effects (direct and total) on usage and loyalty intentions, but not on satisfaction. Customer satisfaction has a significant and positive influence on loyalty intentions, but not on usage. Finally, website usage significantly leads to loyalty intentions. Managerial implications and suggestions are also discussed.
起訖頁 65-83
關鍵詞 顧客滿意電子購物服務品質忠誠意圖價質感Customer satisfactionelectronic service qualityloyalty intentionvalue perception
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201109 (39期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 日本明治政府司法省顧問盧朋的殖民地統治構思:以遼東、臺灣統治政策論為中心
該期刊-下一篇 屏東縣某鄉中年人健康需求之探討




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