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A Study of Examining Male Teenager Hockey Players’Physical Fitness in Pingtung County
作者 邱政鋒曾崑煇
本研究目的在瞭解國中組曲棍球選手的體適能水準,以及專項運動適能的水平和各隊之間體適能與專項適能間差異,藉此瞭解國中組男子曲棍球選手之體能。研究對象為96 年度屏東縣體育會國中組曲棍球決賽之隊員,共三十二名國中優秀曲棍球男子選手,依據筆者及三名資深曲棍球教練選擇之「國中曲棍球體適能測驗項目」進行測試。結果如下:發現在折返跑、握力、及S 曲折跑等測試項目中,有顯著差異達p<.05 的顯著水準,表示這項測驗在這些項目的測試信度較低,這樣的結果也可能是由於折返跑、曲折跑及握力的掌握及要領的體會具有學習效果所致,其他測試項目則不顯著。根據結果,本研究所評估國中男子曲棍球選手體適能水準的數據,可作為評量曲棍球選手體適能水準的依據,並且可作為選拔優秀曲棍球選手體適能水準的標準,在區別不同技術層面之曲棍球選手也有一定之效果,可提供教練作為編擬訓練計畫安排訓練強度時及曲棍球運動器材的參考。
The purpose of this study is to realize the standard of male teenager hockey players’ physical fitness, the level of specific sport skill, and the diversity of physical fitness in general and in specific skills among the teams. The subjects were thirty-two male players in the finals of teenager groups in physical education cup in Pingtung county in 2007, and the measuring tool was “ Teenager Hockey Player Physical Fitness Examining Items” selected by the researcher and other three experienced coaches. Results were found: Subjects reflected significant differences (p<.05) in the items of running between two spots, strength of grasp, and running between two spots in S shape. Reasons for these results may because the reliability was lower in these items, or some subjects were unfamiliar with the skills in these tested items. Other items were not shown any significant differences. Based on these results, the evaluation from this study about the male players’ physical fitness can be a reference of the standard of measuring hockey players’ physical fitness and of selecting outperforming players. Furthermore, the results assist the coaches to distinguish players in different levels and provide suggestions to coaches in training players’ intensities and the players’ using other hockey equipments for training.
起訖頁 183-199
關鍵詞 屏東縣曲棍球體適能Pingtung countyfield hockeyphysical fitness
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200803 (32期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 提升學生自我概念、制握信念之實地實驗研究
該期刊-下一篇 從權力分立論我國行政權之歸屬




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