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Field Experiment Research on Promoting Students’ Self Concept and Locus of Control
作者 張坤鄉
本研究主要在探討露營活動對學生自我概念、制握信念之影響,研究對象以參與訓練的學生126 人為實驗組,並以未參與訓練的學生117 人為對照組,於露營活動完成後對兩組實施自我概念量表與諾史制握信念量表之測量,經統計分析,得到以下發現:(一)學生參加露營活動後家庭自我概念降低。(二)學生參加露營活動後制握信念未改變。(三)學生參加露營活動後自我概念與制握信念之負相關降低。(四)學生參加露營活動後自我行動為對制握信念的主要解釋變項。
The main purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of promoting students’ positive self concept and locus of control through training camp. The research targeted on the students who attended the training camp, with a total of 126 people, and contrasted with the students who didn’t attend the training camp, with a total of 117 people. After the training camp , both of the two group students were given two questionnaires to obtain Tennessee Self Concept Scale and Nowicki- Strickland Locus of Control Scale. The results showed:1.that the students’ family self decreased after the training camp, 2.that the students’ locus of control didn’t change after the training camp, 3.that the native correlation between the students’ self concept and locus of control decreased after the training camp, 4.that self behavior was the major factor influencing locus of control after the training camp. Thus, we should suggest: 1.to normalize experiential education, 2. to fill experiential education.
起訖頁 169-182
關鍵詞 自我概念制握信念實地實驗self conceptlocus of controlfield experiment
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200803 (32期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 技職院校應外系學生英語學習困難之研究--從工具性動機談起
該期刊-下一篇 屏東縣青少年男子曲棍球選手體適能測驗之研究




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