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The Investigation and Analysis of Herbaceous Plants in High School Campuses of Pingtung City
作者 蘇明洲
本調查是採每所學校調查三次,每次採地毯式全面搜尋調查。經調查結果得知屏東市高中職校園內草本植物共50科186種,其中雙子葉植物121種(野生79種;栽種42種),單子葉植物65種(野生31種;栽種34種)。校園草本植物的種數約59 %是野生,41%是栽種的;野生的草本植物中,沒有特有種,都是原生種與歸化種,且歸化種所占的比率相當高,此顯示特有種很難在屏東市區校園內發現,而歸化種因容易適應受干擾的校園環境而佔有很大的優勢;栽種的76種大都是外來種,只有7種是原生種,此顯示原生種被利用來人工種植美化校園的不多。各校野生的種類以華洲工家種數最多;栽種的種類則以屏東女中種數最多。屏東市高中職校園野生最常見的雙子葉草本植物為︰一枝香、小花蔓澤蘭、小葉冷水麻、小還魂、印度鐵莧、飛揚草、野莧、酢醬草、藍猪耳、繖花龍吐珠、霧水葛、鱧腸;單子葉草本植物則為︰小馬唐、牛筋草、地毯草、兩耳草、鯽魚草。
It was investigated three time for every campuse by precise investigation. The results of this investigation indicated that there are 186 species in 50 families distributing in the campuses of high schools of Pingtung city. 121 species are dicotyledonous plant, and of which 79 species are wild and 42 species are cultivated, on the other hand, 65 species are monocotyledonous plants, 31 species wild and 34 species cultivated. About 59% of the species is wild, and 41% is cultivated in total. There are no endemic species in wild, but native and naturalized species , it reveals that the endemic species is difficult to found in the urban regions, but naturalized species are dominant in the campuses for its fit disturbed environments very well. 76 cultivated species are most introduced species, only 7 species are native, it showed that native species is seldom planted for beautifing campuses. The wild species at campus of Hua- Chou is more than other schools, and the cultivated species is National Pingtung Girl’s high school. The most common dicotyledon herbaceous species in wild were Vernonia cinerea, Mikania micrantha, Pilea microphylla, Phyllanthus amarus, Chamaesyce prostrate, Acalypha indica, Chamaesyce hirta, Amaranthus viridis, Oxalis corniculata, Lindernia crustacean, Hedyotis corymbosa, Pouzolzia zeylanica and Eclipta prostrate. The most common monocotyledon herbaceous species in wild were Digitaria radicosa var. reticosa, Eleusine indica, Axonopus compressus, Paspalum conjugatum and Eragrostis amabilis.
起訖頁 93-114
關鍵詞 屏東市高中職校園校園植物草本植物Pingtung citycampuses of high schoolcampus plantsherbaceous plants
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200803 (32期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 有機肥料與淨水廠污泥摻配製作植栽土之可行性評估
該期刊-下一篇 大學生親子關係、非理性信念與憂鬱之相關研究




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