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Feasible Assessment for the Production of Horticulture Soil from the Mixing Organic Fertilizer and Sludge from Water Treatment Plant
作者 賴文亮陳振正廖少威邱俊彥邱珮綺何曉蓉
近年來台灣農地於長期使用化學肥料,導致土壤急速酸化,進而綠農地之地力下降,均廣為大眾關切之議題。因都市污水、各工業區污水處理廠及淨水廠產生之污泥,含有不同濃度之揮發性固體物及營養鹽等成份,若經適當之處理,將其轉換可用資源,作為化學肥料之替代品,提供綠農地使用,應是可行之方式。本文利用自然風乾降低含水率之無機污泥 (D-0902)與市售A廠生產之有機肥料,進行2:1(200公噸/月/100公噸/月)、1:1(200公噸/月/200公噸/月)與1:2 (100公噸/月/200公噸/月)之混合方式,依其成份進行推估發現,此一植栽土之C/N比可控制至12-20間,含水率降至小於40%,而重金屬含量均可符合雜項有機肥料之規定,可提供花卉園藝或綠化造林等再利用。此一作法,除可有效避免可用資源之浪費外,亦可開拓堆肥廠之經營新方向。
In recent year, the acidification of soil and the drop of the land fertility of the green farmland are a concerned issue owing to the long-term application of chemical fertilizer into the farmland. Because the slurry from the capital sewage treatment plant, industrial wastewater treatment, and water treatment contained of the compositions such as the volatile solid and nutrition, etc., if through appropriate treatment, changing it into a new resources as the substitute of the chemical fertilizer offering green farmland to use should be a feasible way. This study evaluates the variation of ratios of C/N, moisture content, and metal contents in the horticulture soil mixed inorganic slurry (D-0902) with low moisture content reduced by natural wind and the organic fertilizer produced with commercial A factory mixed in 2: 1 (200 metric ton per month /100 metric ton per month) , 1: 1 (200 metric ton per month /200 metric ton per month), and 1: 2 (100 metric ton per month /200 metric ton per month). These estimations in this research for C/N value were between 12-20, and moisture content were less than 40%. Of course, the metal contents in different mixture were under the regulation of the miscellaneous organic fertilizer. It makes sure that horticulture can provide the need of cultivation of flowers or afforest. This way can also not only open up the new direction of development of the compost factory but also avoid the consumption of resources in Taiwan.
起訖頁 73-91
關鍵詞 無機污泥有機肥料植栽土Inorganic slurryOrganic fertilizerHorticulture Soil
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 200803 (32期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 關木通之成份研究與分析
該期刊-下一篇 屏東市高中職校園草本植物調查與分析




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