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Confucian Scholars’ Critical Studies of Du Yu’s Notes of Zuo Zhuan During the Period of Korean Emperor Joseon Jeongio: A Preliminary Study of Cheng Hai-ying’s Du Zhu Kao Yi
作者 張曉生
The Chinese Five Classics of Confucianism had been introduced to ancientKorea very early. They had been the most important books for the Koreanscholars to learn Confucianism. In both China and Korea, the teaching of theseclassic books used to be the guiding principles of political and humanrelationships. Scholars kept interpreting and commenting on them in differentways from time to time. On the one hand, one can explore the Chinese andKorean scholars’ different connotations of the words used in these classics; onthe other hand, one can investigate how the changing historical contexts affectedthe scholars’ development of their major thoughts based on these classics. Duringthe development of Chinese Chun Chiu studies, scholars changed theirperspectives on Zuo Zhuan, which was originally considered as a classic. Later, itbecame a historical publication or even a Chinese literature book. Zuo Zhuan,therefore, served the various needs of scholars from different disciplines and withtheir own analytical purposes. In Korea, scholars have critically studied anddiscussed on the context of Zuo Zhuan as well as the relationship between ZuoZhuan and Chun Chiu. These scholars started exploring the characteristics of ZuoZhuan later than their Chinese counterparts, but their in-depth discussions andcritical studies of this book were as serious as the latter. In his later reign, theKorean Emperor Joseon Jeongio had ordered his officials to edit Chun Chiu ZuoZhuan. Afterwards, Joseon Jeongio ordered Cheng Hai-ying to write Du Yu’sChun Chiu Jin Zhuan Ji Jie, which summarized and analyzed the differentcomments from both Chun Chiu Zuo Zhuan and Du Yu’s Chun Chiu Jin Zhuan JiJie. This article examined Cheng criticism of Zuo Zhuan and Du Yu’s Chun ChiuJin Zhuan Ji Jie by analyzing his Du Zhu Kao Yi. I argue that although KoreanChun Chiu study had emphasized “Respect for the emperor/Respect for theclassics,” Cheng Hai-ying offered his viewpoints that disagreed with suchstandard of justice by criticizing Zhuo Zhuan and Du Yu’s Chun Chiu Jin ZhuanJi Jie. This was the main reason why Emperor Joseon Jeongio ordered to editChun Chiu Zuo Zhuan. This case shows the Korean academic characteristics ofstudying Chun Chiu.
起訖頁 91-120
關鍵詞 成海應《杜註考異》《左傳》杜預朝鮮正祖《春秋左氏傳》Cheng Hai YingDuzhu KaoyiZuo ZhuanDu YuKorean Emperor Joseon JeongioChungchiu Zuozhuan
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201712 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 毛奇齡《詩經》學域外傳播研究的反思──以朝鮮正祖《詩經講義》為例
該期刊-下一篇 融通一貫之經學/敬學──鮮儒崔象龍《論語辨疑》研究




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