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Reflection of Mao Qiling’s Shijing Studies Outside of China: Joseon Jeongjo’s Book of Shi Jing Jiang Yi as an Example
作者 邱惠芬
The study of the position of Shijing by Joseon Jeongjo was based on ZhuXi’s argument. The format of recording the dialogues between the emperor andthe courtiers in Shi Jing Jiang Yi was similar to Mao Qiling’s work about Shijing.Shi Jing Jiang Yi also discussed all the issues articulated in Mao’s writings. ShiJing Jiang Yi is an important research material for people who examine theinfluence of Mao’s study outside of Joseon’s territory. Previous studies of Shijingmainly commented on Mao’s criticism of Zhu’s mistakes and discussed the solidresearch by Mao. These studies did not extend their discussions to Mao’sthoughts and methodology. Therefore, the uniqueness of Mao’s study of Shijingwas not fully explored. Korean scholars paid more attention to whether and howJoseon Jeongjo and his courtiers accepted and influenced Mao’s work on Shi JingJiang Yi. However, these scholars ignored the importance of analyzing howJoseon Jeongjo and his courtiers cited and criticized Mao’s argument. In addition,these Korean scholars might need to adopt more progressive methodologies toexplore the uniqueness of studying Shijing in the Korean context, which is worthinvestigating in future.
起訖頁 47-90
關鍵詞 毛奇齡《詩經》學正祖《詩經講義》域外傳播Mao QilingShi JingJoseon JeongjoShi Jing Jiang YiOutside of China
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201712 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-上一篇 《周易》帝王學──李玄錫《易義窺斑》初探
該期刊-下一篇 朝鮮正祖時期儒臣對於《左傳》杜《注》的辨正──成海應《杜註考異》之文獻與義理初探




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