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Zhouyi, the knowledge to be an Emperor: A study on Li Xuan Xi’s Yi Yi Kui Ban
作者 馮曉庭
Based on The True Record of the Joseon Dynasty, Journal of the RoyalSecretariat and the narration from Li Xuan Xi, this study concludes that Li XuanXi completed his book Yi Yi Kui Ban no later than 1691, Joseon Sukjong 17thyear. This shows that Korean scholar Jin Jiao Bin, who suggested that the bookwas approximately completed in 1680, was incorrect. My study compares thecontents of the book with other related materials, such as Zhouyi Zhushu, YiCheng zhuan, Yi ben yi, Zhouyi zhuanyi daquan, and the documents of theimperial lecture on Zhouyi from the scholars in Joseon Sukjong. My new findingsinclude the following: First, Li Xuan Xi is ordered to learn Yi by the emperor andmake Yi part of his imperial lectures later. However, no historical record showsthat his imperial lectures were about Zhouyi; the book of Yi Yi Kui Ban onlyshows Li Xuan Xi made the book to the imperial lecture, but it did not record thatLi did the lectures on Zhouyi to the emperor. Second, the method he used in thebook is not new. It was the regular method for the scholars dealing with Yi at thattime. Li Xuan Xi might just follow the old method to deal with Yi. Third, thebook of Yi Yi Kui Ban by Li Xuan Xi was not originated from Yi of Cheng-Zhu. Itwas originated from Zhou yi zhuan yi da quan. The book had less significantcontribution to the study of Yi than the emperor expected. Fourth, the relationbetween Yi Yi Kui Ban and Zhou yi zhuan yi da quan shows that Korean scholarsin Qing/Joseon Dynasty learned the Yi of Cheng-Zhu from Zhou yi zhuan yi daquan, not directly from Cheng-Zhu, Scholars will find difficult to make a claimon the real origin of the book.
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 李玄錫《易義窺斑》朝鮮易學帝王學經筵Li Xuan XiYi yi Kui BanThe study of Yi in Korean Qing/Joseon DynastyThe knowledge to be an EmperorJinyang
刊名 臺灣東亞文明研究學刊  
期數 201712 (14:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學東亞經典與文化研究計畫
該期刊-下一篇 毛奇齡《詩經》學域外傳播研究的反思──以朝鮮正祖《詩經講義》為例




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