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A Study on Peopler’s Satisfaction of Participation in the Sport and Leasure Classes offered by Socialist Education Center of the China Youth Corps
作者 盧心炎
Since our government implemented the policy of two-days weekend in 1998, we citizens have been able to distribute our time more flexibly. In addition, with the raising of national income, values and concepts of life have been transformed, which enable us to place more importance on arranging the time besides working. In recent years, making use of time to participate in sports and leisure activities has become a vital issue in our lives. This research is based on the viewpoints of the public sphere, non-profit organizations (NPOs), which manages to realize the design and management of extension classes of Sport and Leisure offered by socialist education center of the China Youth Corps(CYC). The results of research showed that people were highly satisfied with their participation in the classes of sport and leisure in socialist education center of CYC. This study also offered CYC to ponder over prospective plans for extension classes, which makes it possible to create a sporting living space with the more perfect and high quality.
起訖頁 111-122
關鍵詞 運動公共領域非營利組織中國青年救國團sport public sphereNPOsChina Youth Corp
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201512 (12期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 銀髮族志工參與動機、積極性因應與幸福感之研究--以北區醫院為例
該期刊-下一篇 參與動機、阻礙與再參與意願關係之研究--以自行車活動為例




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