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Leadership and team cohesion on wrestling coach: From 99 years National championship of wrestling
作者 吳政勳簡家俊郭春芍
The purpose of this study was to understand at least a junior wrestlers the relationship between team cohesion and performance of various groups with different performance difference. Research tool is divided into two parts: The first part of the basic information for the player; the second part of the scale for the sports team cohesion. The samples of this research were the player who joined 99 years National Championship of wrestling. Data analysis: describing statistics, t test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method. The findings and suggestions are as following: The players of different sex had not been showed the significant difference level in conscious cohesiveness (p<.05). 1. The players who were above 7 years showed higher point in conscious cohesiveness than others. 2. The players of different participating groups in the contest show significant different in knowing team cohesion. 3. The players’ who were college students or worker get higher points than others. 4. The players of different achievement do not show significant different in knowing team cohesion. 5. The players of different practicing days a week do not show significant different in knowing team cohesion (p<.05).
起訖頁 41-54
關鍵詞 角力選手團隊凝聚力成績表現wrestlersteam cohesionbehaviors performance
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201106 (3期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 運動賽事整合行銷傳播績效之焦點團體研究--以2004年~2008年ING臺北馬拉松為例
該期刊-下一篇 家扶中心社工人員組織社會化、工作壓力調適對工作生活品質之研究




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