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The Research into Organizational Socialization, Work Stress Coping, and Quality of Work Life of the Employees of Taiwan Fund for Children and Families
作者 楊庭維
This research aims for realizing the extend of the influence among organizational socialization(OS), work stress coping (WSC), quality of work life (QWL), in social workers working in Taiwan Fund for Children and Families(TFCF). The research compares distinct demographic variables among organizational socialization (OS), work stress coping (WSC), quality of work life (QWL). It also employs questionnaire survey, targeting social workers across 23 TFCF branch offices, and gathering 714 valid samples. These samples are analyzed by descriptive statistic, correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis, and the results reveal that: 1. TFCF employees are mostly composed of females; over 60 percentages of the females are single, over 80 percentages of them are graduates, 90 percentages of them are social work backgrounds, over 50 percentages of them are under 30 years old, and a majority of them hold a position as social worker, whose experiences are less than 10-year. 2. TFCF employees are highly sensitive to organizational socialization (OS), and significantly perceive of work stress coping, and sense a passable quality of work life. 3. For TFCF employees, work stress coping (WSC), and quality of work life (QWL) are positively correlated; literally, the healthier the coping, the preferable the quality of work life. 4. For TFCF employees, the organizational goals and the value of organizational socialization are positively correlated; literally, the greater apprehension the goals and the value, the more profound the sense of the quality of work life.
起訖頁 55-74
關鍵詞 社工人員組織社會化工作壓力調適工作生活品質Social WorkerOrganizational SocializationWork Stress CopingQuality of Work Life
刊名 休閒與社會研究  
期數 201106 (3期)
出版單位 一森國際有限公司
該期刊-上一篇 角力團隊凝聚力之研究--以2010年全國角力錦標賽為例
該期刊-下一篇 全民運動會劍道選手參與行為與參賽滿意度之研究




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