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The Study of Vocational Senior High School Students’ Japanese Learning Motivations and Strategies
作者 李瑞梅
This research was based on the learning Japanese of students from Department ofJapanese Language at one Pingtung’s Senior High School. Through evaluations ofquestionnaires for learning motivation and studying strategies of these students, we tried tounderstand the motivation and strategies of studying Japanese at these students. And wealso evaluated the relationship between motivations and strategies. In the meantime, weinvestigated of there was significant difference between motivations and strategies affectedby gender and the basic Japanese ability. Based on the analysis of investigation, we haveget preliminary results: the main of Japanese learning motivation of high school studentsare “desire to interact”, and “Japanese learning of interest”, and “subculture of concern”.Results from factor analysis indicate that the most useful learning strategies includingcompensation strategies, cognitive strategies, social strategies. The difference between maleand female students on application motivations and strategies was not significant. Thedifference between achievable and non-achievable basic Japanese students’ abilities onmotivations and strategies was very significant. Learning motivation is correlated positivelywith learning strategy. The results of this research provide the references for Japaneseteachers’ teaching and directing students’ studying.
起訖頁 75-100
關鍵詞 外語學習日語學習學習動機學習策略Foreign-language learningJapanese learningLearning motivationLearning strategy
刊名 大仁學報  
期數 201403 (44期)
出版單位 大仁科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 餐旅系學生經新加坡實習後對語言和競爭力提升之研究--以大仁科技大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 論梅爾‧吉勃遜電影《受難記》中的回溯技巧




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