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第二次安倍政權對東南亞區域的外交戰略(Second Abe Administration’s Diplomatic Strategy for Southeast Region)
第2 次安倍政権の対東南アジア外交戦略
作者 葉秋蘭西方亞希子
2012 年底第二次安倍政權正式成立,上任後隨即訪問越南、泰國、以及印尼等東南亞國家,並提出「日本外交的新五原則」,強調普遍價值的重要性;同時針對南海主權爭議問題,認為應該基於國際法原則,以和平的方式解決。近年來,中國經濟崛起,帶動軍事力擴張,特別是中國在南海海域的強勢作為,確實令周邊鄰國深感不安。安倍政權在東南亞區域的外交方針,主要是透過強化日本與東南亞國家之間經濟與軍事等合作關係,一方面牽制中國在此區域的影響力,一方面作為美國介入此區域的重要伙伴。安倍政權對東南亞的外交戰略,跳脫1970 年代「福田原則」的外交路線,強調在「積極的和平主義」原則下,為維持國家安全以及區域和平,日本將扮演更積極且重要的角色。
The Second Abe administration commenced in 2012. After re-election as Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe made official visits to Southeast Asia, touring Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia, where he raised the “New Five Principles of Japanese Diplomacy”. Under these five principles, Abe emphasized the importance of universal values and at the same time his view that the problem of territorial disputes over the South China Sea should be resolved in a peaceful manner based on international law. Over the past few years, China’s economic rise has driven the expansion of its military force. China has been making efforts to deepen its relationship with Southeast Asia, but its aggressive behavior in the South China Sea has created deepening unease among neighboring countries. Abe’s Southeast Asia policy mainly aims to strengthen economic and military cooperation between Japan and Southeast Asia, to both contain Chinese influence in this region, and on the other hand act as an important partner for the USA’s entry into the region. In other words, the Abe Administration’s Southeast Asia policy thinks outside the box of the “Fukuda Doctrine” established in the 1970s, emphasizing that to protect Japanese national security and regional peace, Japan will need to play a more active and important role based on “Proactive Pacifism.”.
起訖頁 89-124
關鍵詞 日本安倍政權東南亞區域中國崛起外交戰略Japan, Abe Administration, Southeast Asia, Rise of China, Diplomatic Strategy
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201703 (46:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 川普政權外交政策之展望與東亞國際秩序體系再編制之可能性(Prospects U.S. Foreign Policy under President Trump and the Potential for Re-organizing the East Asian International Order)
該期刊-下一篇 從美方觀點看到的美日安保體制――「威脅認知雙層構造」(U.S. Perceptions of Japan and the U.S.–Japan Alliance: A Two-Level Threat Perception Approach)




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