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美國川普新政府亞洲政策走向(The Future of US Asia Policy under the Trump Administration)
作者 蔡明彥田中研也
本文探討川普政府上台後、美國亞洲政策的可能走向。由於川普本人的外交政策思維相當模糊、未來美國亞洲政策可能進入一段調整期。川普勝選的效應已經引發亞洲國家的高度關注、擔心美國新政府會降低對亞洲盟友的安全承諾。川普決定退出TPP 的舉動、將對亞洲帶來經貿面及戰略面的重大影響。在美中關係方面、雙方也將因為貿易失衡問題、台灣問題及南海問題進入磨合的階段。未來的觀察重點在於川普的國安及外交團隊成形後如何運作、是否提出針對亞洲地區整體的安全與經貿佈局。
This paper intends to explore US Asia policy under the new administration of Donald Trump. President Trump’s foreign policy thinking is vague and US Asia policy will enter into a period of transition. Asian countries have voiced their concerns about the possibility that President Trump may reduce US commitment to Asia. Trump’s decision to exit the Transpacific Partnership (TPP) will have significant impacts on trade and economics and strategy in the region. The United States and China will also need to find a way to manage their disputes over the bilateral trade imbalance, Taiwan, and the South China Sea. Further observations need to focus on how President Trump’s national security team will operate in the future and how the US will work out overall security and trade strategies toward Asia.
起訖頁 21-50
關鍵詞 川普外交思維美國亞洲政策跨太平洋伙伴協議美中關係Trump’s foreign policy thinking, US Asia policy, Trans-Pacific Partnership, US-China relations
刊名 問題と研究  
期數 201703 (46:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 川普政權與日美關係(The Trump Administration and U.S.–Japan Relations)
該期刊-下一篇 川普政權外交政策之展望與東亞國際秩序體系再編制之可能性(Prospects U.S. Foreign Policy under President Trump and the Potential for Re-organizing the East Asian International Order)




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