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Analysis on Private Education’s Local Legislative Amendments in Guangdong Province under the Background of Classified Management
作者 吳開華邵允振趙小平
The legal system of classified management of private schools has been established by the newly revised Private Education Promotion Law. Under the background of classified management, local legislation on private education in Guangdong Province must be made with some corresponding amendments to better implement the national law and to promote the development of private education in Guangdong province. Local legislative amendments should follow the principles of unification of legal system, response to classified management, focus on local innovation and spirit of promotion etc. It should focus on the following areas and issues: the problems oftransitionandliquidationofexistingprivateschools;compensationand reward to investors who choose non-profit private school; fees for non-profit private schools; differential support for private schools; protection of the rights and interests of sponsors, teachers and students in private schools; improvement on the corporate governance structure of private schools; examination and approval, registration and supervision of private schools after classified management; whether private schools with public schools participating in host can make profits.
起訖頁 102-113
關鍵詞 民辦教育地方性法規分類管理營利非營利private educationlocal legislationclassified managementprofit-makingnon-profit
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201801 (3:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 生態紅線地方立法完善路徑
該期刊-下一篇 新獲得地方立法權的市提高立法品質探析———以河源市立法工作實踐為視角




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