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On the Development and Improvement of Legislative Cost-benefit Analysis System A Discussion on Perfection Path of Local Ecological Redline Legislation
作者 劉寧
The legislative cost-benefit evaluation system calculates the net income of the legislative achievements by quantifying the indexes which are set for the costs and benefits of the legislation, so as to consider whether to enact or amend the law. The value of efficiency issurely implemented in the legislation process. The article mainly discusses the object scope, the value and the essence of the legislative cost-benefit legislation, and through the introduction of the essential relationship between justice and legislation, investigates how the legislative cost-benefit evaluation system can ensure the implement of justice in the legislative activities. It is aimed to analyze the limitations of this system through the analysis of its theoretical basis, and the studies on the construction and the operation mode of the national cost-benefit evaluation system. And according to its limitations, taking China’s economic system, political ideas, the superiority and choice of value, especially the use of big-data technology into consideration, the paper attempts to mine data, integrate legislative space and legislative resources, put forward the corresponding supplementary improvement of the law, and improve the refined management of legislative projects with the help of big data and others. It is hoped that the legislative cost-benefit evaluation system can be further developed and that it can be further used in the process of our country’s legislative practice, especially that of local legislative practice to reduce unnecessary or in efficient legislative activities.
起訖頁 77-90
關鍵詞 立法成本效益評估價值理念局限性比較分析發展改進legislative cost-benefit evaluationvaluelimitationscomparative analysisdevelopment and improvement
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201801 (3:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 立法後評估的近視與遠觀:實踐問題與理論反思——以《甘肅省地質環境保護條例》立法後評估為例
該期刊-下一篇 生態紅線地方立法完善路徑




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