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On the Functions and Effect of the Non-legislative Normative Documents of the National People’s Congress
作者 黃建武
Non-legislative normative document of the NPC are important supplements to legislative normative documents. It also serves as a significant approach for the NPC to regulate the activities of state organs and social affairs by exercising the power to decide on significant matters. However, so far, this document is neither clear on its form and therefore indistinguishable from legislative instrument, nor clear on its functions and effect in theory in practice. This has caused over-reliance of the NPC, the Local People’s Congress in particular, on legislative power in the process of decision-making and management. For that reason, affairs that should not be legislated has been included into legislation, leading to a legislative burden and blocking the full play of decision making of significant matters. To solve these problems, this paper sorts out the functions and effect of the non-legislative normative documents of the NPC, and also put forward some suggestions for improving the problems of the form of these documents.
起訖頁 33-45
關鍵詞 立法規範性檔人大重大事項決定權led legislation by People’s Congressspecialized committeebilldraftingorganizing drafting bill
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201801 (3:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 人大工作機構起草法案析論
該期刊-下一篇 地方立法評估的實踐審視與制度完善




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