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A Comment on the Drafting Bill by the People’s Congress Work Organization
作者 汪全勝衛學芝
The enactment of the Legislative Law of 2015 establishes the principles and systems of the“leading legislation of the People’s Congress”, and it is imperative to strengthen the efforts of the People’s Congress to draft the bill. So which working institutions can draft a bill or organize the drafting of a bill? From the setting up of existing people’s congress work organization, in addition to the People’s Congress business institutions and party organizations, the People’s Congress specialized committee and some working organization of the PC Standing Committee can served as the drafting body of the bill. However, the drafting body of the work of the People’s Congress has also a certain scope, only the important bill which is “comprehensive, overall, basic”can be drafted by the People’s Congress work organization. But the People’s Congress work organization drafting or organizing the drafting of a bill in the practice face a certain degree of difficulties such as imperfection in the institutional setting-up, lack of clarity of responsibilities, poor legislative capacity, We should improve the system design of the People’s Congress, complete the work organization of the People’s Congress, give a clear definition of the power limit of People’s Congress work organization, improve the legislative capacity of the People’s Congress work organization and soon, all these it that gradually realize the goal of the leading legislation of the People’s Congress.
起訖頁 16-32
關鍵詞 人大主導立法專門委員會法案起草組織起草Standing Committee of the National People’s Congresslegislative function of Legislative Affairs Commissionsystempractice
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201801 (3:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-下一篇 論人大非立法性規範性檔的功能與效力




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