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The Legislation and Practice of 'the System River-leader' Under the Perspective of the Science of Law and Policy-Taking Water Protection Ordinance of Tanjiang River Basin of Jiangmen City as an Example
作者 王繼遠伍青萍
The full implementation of the 'system of river-leader' begins with the policy driven. From the perspective of the science of law and policy, the dual factors of laws and policies in the implementation of system of river-leader need to be considered. The legislation of system of river-leader should clarify the border between two tool systems such as the environmental policy and legal system, dealing with the relationship between system and procedures, rights and remedies, obligation and responsibility for the legal effectiveness. Taken Tanjiang River basin governance for an example, the top-level system design of 'system of river-leader' needs to consider the feasibility of 'system of river-leader', and the justification for running programs, the top-level system design of 'system of river-leader' not only needs to pay attention to the balance of interests, to expand social capital and the channels for public participation, to ensure 'river-leader' decision-making power, but also needs to set up a strict 'river-leader' examination, evaluation, reward, interviews and other administrative accountability systems, to introduce information disclosure and environmental public interest litigation, to construct fiduciary duty system of civil servant, to regulate the power of 'river-leader', to ensure a reasonable and legitimate exercise of power.
起訖頁 45-55
關鍵詞 法律與政策河長制潭江立法the science of law and policysystem of river-leaderTanjiang Riverlegislation
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201709 (2:5期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 論香港《基本法》解釋機制的協調──基於全國人大常委會五次釋法的經驗
該期刊-下一篇 農村集體建設用地使用權流轉的地方立法問題研究──以《廣東省集體建設用地使用權流轉管理辦法》為例




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