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Research on Issues of the Argumentation of Local Legislative Project
作者 柯旭吳章敏
The argumentation of local legislative project, which refers to the research and analysis of the legislature on the necessity and feasibility of a proposed legislative project, is of great significance to the scientific allocation of legislative resources and the improvement of the efficiency of local legislation. The legislature should pay appropriate cost for the argumentation of legislative project and promote it to transform from a formality only to a substantive work. There are some criteria for the argumentation of legislative project: (a) the formality, including the draft regulations, text instructions, reference, research and demonstration report and draft working plan; (b) the necessity, including the analysis of the correlation between legislative project and local society and economy, the people's interests, and the major contradiction and problem in current society; (c) feasibility, which mainly analyzes whether the legislative research project is sufficient or whether they have similar domestic and foreign legislative experience, whether institutional contradictions have been resolved, the timing for legislation is mature, the main system is feasible, and there is convergence or legislative coordination obstacles, and the benefit and cost of the legislation; (d) the standard for not establishing the project, which mainly analyze whether the legislative project is beyond the scope and authority of local legislation, whether it conflict with the upper laws, or there are significant dissent, or it is not necessary for legislation, or there is a problem of department interest protectionism.
起訖頁 114-125
關鍵詞 立法論證形式性論證實質性論證論證標準argumentation of legislative projectformal argumentsubstantial argumentcriteria for argumentation
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201707 (2:4期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 地方立法立項程序的建構
該期刊-下一篇 規範演進視角下的《民法總則》




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