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Gains and Losses of the Legislation on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading in Guangdong Province As Well as Its Improvement Solution
作者 劉雲甫朱最新
Outward driving force for fulfilling international obligation, domestic demand for low- carbon economy development as well as the inexperience of legislation lead to the introduction of the proposed regulations of management of carbon emission in Guangdong province (the proposed regulations). The proposed regulations have acquired much successful experience in the determination of legislative goals and principles as well as the design of system and mechanism. Its implementation bares fruits, such as entailing the decline of the carbon emission from the constrained businesses, beefing up the process of DE-capacity and the cultivation of carbon trading industry chain. However, there are certain flaws, to name just a few, lack of validity, certain unnecessary terms and lack of operability in terms of system. At present, we should draw upon the helpful experience from the legislation on carbon emission trading in California to make the proposed regulations become local laws and regulations, to improve its legislation perfection in terms of goals and principles, to safeguard the legal protection system of carbon emission trading as well as to coordinate with related system. Thus it can optimize the results of the legislation on the management of carbon emission in trading Guangdong province.
起訖頁 46-56
關鍵詞 碳排放交易地方立法最優化廣東carbon Emission tradinglegislationoptimizationguangdong
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201707 (2:4期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 濕地保護地方立法若干重點問題探析
該期刊-下一篇 環境告發立法探析




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