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地方立法研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

On Practical Significance of Scientific Determination of Local Legislative Project-From the Perspective of Local Legislation Practice of Meizhou City
作者 梅州市人大常委會課題組
The selection of legislative projects, which is the primary subject of local legislation, is related to whether the local legislative work can be carried out in an orderly and efficient manner. A scientific legislative project should has three factors: legality, pertinency, effectiveness. Legality requires that legislative projects should be determined within the scope of law; effectiveness requires that it should consider the actual demand and ability of the local legislation, pertinency requires that it should be problem-oriented to focus on solving real problems in social management. While upholding the basic principles of determining local legislative projects legally, scientifically, democratically, and publicly, we still faces problems such as the difficulty to define the scope of legislative authority, lack of initiative of local legislation, the difficulty to master the interest orientation, the inadequate mechanism and so on. Meizhou city, as one of the first batch of districted cities in Guangdong Province which obtained local legislative authority after the revision of Legislation Law, has inadequate legislative experience and mechanism. Based on the practice of Meizhou City, this article puts forward five criteria for scientifically determining the legislative project. It suggests precise problem-oriented idea to determine legislative projects so that the obstacles in local legislation could be overcome, and the local characteristics could be high-lighted, and the rule of law could be achieved.
起訖頁 56-65
關鍵詞 立法項目科學性地方立法實踐地方特色legislative projectscientificlocal legislation practicelocal characteristics
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201705 (2:3期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 新《立法法》實施背景下地方立法存在的問題及建議
該期刊-下一篇 地方立法能力提升的內省與前瞻──以陝西省設區的市立法現狀為樣本




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