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A Study on Participation of Authorized Third Parties in Local Legislation
作者 王子正周靜遠
The Decision of the Central Committee of the CCP on Major Issues of Comprehensively Promoting State Governance in Accordance with Law proposes many ways to involve social participants, particularly authorized third parties, in drafting laws and regulations under the leadership of the people's congress. Participation of authorized third parties in local legislation is both necessary and feasible since there is room for improvement in the current system of local legislation. The participation of authorized third party has the advantage of expertise, neutrality and a wider public base. Under this model, the local people's congress as the authority has the ultimate decision-making power. The third party, as experts from various academies, research institute and social organizations in relevant areas of social sciences and law, should not only listen to the relevant administration but also have autonomy to accept or reject their opinions. This paper recommends that the local people's congress should strengthen its leading role and create a management and competition mechanism for authorized third parties, strictly comply with agreements of authorized legislation, and provide guaranteed financial aid for authorized third parties.
起訖頁 79-90
關鍵詞 委託第三方參與地方立法委託立法協議authorized third partyparticipate in local legislationagreement of authorized legislationguaranteed financial aid for legislation
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201703 (2:2期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 立法中的損益權衡之道──法經濟學能為立法者做些什麼
該期刊-下一篇 設區的市提升立法質量的路徑




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