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The Trade-off Between Gains and Losses in Legislation-- What Economists Can Do for Legislators
作者 丁建峰
The most traditional and most widely used decision criteria in economic analysis of law are Pareto criterion, Kaldor-Hicks criterion and Rawls criterion, which respectively have their advantages and disadvantages and scopes for application. Pareto criterion needs the least information and can get most idealized results, but is unattainable in real life. Kaldor-Hicks criterion requires the comparison of benefits of beneficiaries and losses of sufferers. If the comparison can be made, it can always determine whether a proposed law should be implemented and choose the most efficient project. However, this criterion neglects the protection of rights and social security for the disadvantaged groups to some extent. Rawls criterion gives most powerful protection for the disadvantaged groups, but has defects in improving efficiency. The legislators must choose their standard among these three criteria, which can be summarized with in a two-level model. With a guaranteed bottom line of welfare, legislators should pursue Pareto improvements and Kaldor-Hicks improvements with sufficient compensation. On this basis, cost-benefits analysis can be made to discover the laws with more expected benefits. With legislation open to the people and deliberative democracy, economists can give professional assessments for the gains and losses of a particular law and make more contributions for legislation.
起訖頁 69-78
關鍵詞 法律經濟分析立法權衡帕累托改進economic analysis of lawlegislationtrade-offPareto improvements
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201703 (2:2期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 論地方立法權限和範圍──兼評溫州市地方立法立項
該期刊-下一篇 委託協力廠商參與地方立法問題研究




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