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A Study on the Leadership and Promotion of Local Legislation on Reforms - Based on the Practice of Hubei Province
作者 王建嗚滕鑫曜鄭文金
How to lead and promote reforms is a major issue of local legislation in the new situation. As to the contemporary characteristics, the born of leading-type legislation is inevitable and essential. According to the requirements of the overall deepening of reform, local legislation should shift its function from conducting behavior and protecting order to leading and promoting reforms. We should pay more attention to scientific predicting instead of experience summarizing, and keep timely modification rather than long-term stability. The recent practice of local legislation which leads reforms in Hubei Province has shown that we should strengthen comprehensive legislation reform, gather the reform resources, promote legislation in the field of innovation, ecology, people's livelihood and other field of reform, modify relevant regulations timely to meet the requirements of reforms. In the mean time, we should pay attention to the relationship between the reform of legislation and the unity of legal system, and the relationship between the decision-making of legislation and the decision-making of reforms, and then explore the new path actively to promote the legislation which will lead reforms and improve the quality of leading-type legislation.
起訖頁 45-49
關鍵詞 地方立法引領性立法立法引領推動改革local legislationleading-type legislationlegislation that leads and promotes the reform
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201703 (2:2期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 地方立法保護獨特歷史文化遺產──以《天津市歷史風貌建築保護條例》為例
該期刊-下一篇 論地方立法的創新路徑──以《鎮江香醋保護條例》第15條第2款為例




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