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On the Innovative Path of Local Legislation-- Taking the Zhenjiang Vinegar Protection Regulation as an Example
作者 婁正前
The Zhenjiang Vinegar Protection Regulation is a case for exploring the innovative path of local legislation. There have been many problems over the past years because of the coexistence of the collective trademark and geographical indication products of Zhenjiang Vinegar, such as the application of the law, the repeatedly counterfeit registered trademarks, the improper use of collective marks or geographical indications, and other legal conflicts. Those problems are caused by various factors. In this regard, some people proposed solutions like a unified management system, concurrent application, trademark protection, standardized use and other possible solutions. This paper suggests that in order to keep the balance between the two parties collective trademark and geographical indication product protection should both be legally supported. This example demonstrates the rationality of the innovative local legislation, and shows that innovative local legislation must be under the constraints of the principle of no conflict and fall in line with the spirit of law.
起訖頁 50-56
關鍵詞 地方立法鎮江香醋集體商標地理標誌利益平衡local legislationZhenjiang vinegarcollective trademark geographical indicationbalance of interests
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201703 (2:2期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 地方立法引領推動改革研究──以湖北省的實踐為例
該期刊-下一篇 論地方立法權限和範圍──兼評溫州市地方立法立項




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