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Urban Management and Local Legislative Regulation: In the Perspective of the Actual Demand of Local Legislation in Chengdu
作者 成都市人大常委會法工委課題組
The theory and practice of urban management all emphasize on improving the government's capacity and responsibility in the management of urban and public affairs, and require the legal protection of participation of various non-public organizations or individuals in urban development. On the basis of clarifying the boundary and scope of city management, regulating and directing the urban management to develop towards modernization and rule of law by relatively completed and systematic local legislation is a beneficial exploration of applying system theory to local legislation. By promoting systematic construction of local rules and regulation in the field of urban management, we can gradually get rid of the interests fetters of departmental legislation, and uphold the leading role of the People's Congress, and also effectively resolve the problem of 'last mile ' in local legislation and resolve the local practical problems. Based on the clear value orientation of local legislation, this article focuses on the development of Chengdu, and expounds the direction choice of local legislation from the perspective of the construction of regulation system concerning government's function and scope of power, and the five areas of urban management.
起訖頁 106-114
關鍵詞 城市管理法規系統價值追求urban managementregulation systemvalue pursuit
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201701 (2:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 關於我國地方立法的若干認識問題
該期刊-下一篇 中國特色社會主義立法理論與實踐──2016年中國立法學研究會學術年會會議綜述




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