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On Connection Mechanism of Judicial Supervision of the People's Congress and Legal Supervision of the Procuratorate
作者 秦前紅劉怡達
To connect the judicial supervision of the people's congress and the legal supervision of the procuratorate is a new subject in the practice of the rule of law in China. The connection is the inherent requirement of the legal status that the people's congress is the organ of power and the procuratorate is the organ of legal supervision. it can also help to improve the effectiveness of the supervision of the people's congress, integrate the two ways of supervision, and sort out the relationship between the two authorities. In theory, to buil up the connection, the items subject to supervision should be properly allocated according to the differences of the two types of supervision; and the people's congress should both supervise and support the procuratorate's legal supervision work while the procuratorate accept and cooperate the supervision on the basis of their relationship. In terms of institutional design, the connection mechanism includes two parts, the substantive matters and procedural realization.
起訖頁 90-98
關鍵詞 司法監督法律監督銜接機制實體事項程序實現judicial supervisionlegal supervisionconnection mechanismsubstantive mattersprocedural realization
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201701 (2:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 風險社會視角下的立法決策觀念轉變──以權力和權利為中心展開
該期刊-下一篇 關於我國地方立法的若干認識問題




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