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The Local Legislation Towards an Age of Rights - A Comparative Research on the Mainland and Macao Legislation of Public Security Technology
作者 文華鐘小凱
Based on comparative analysis of the legislation of the Mainland and Macao on public security technology, it is found there exists significant differences in their legislative approaches concerning protecting the privacy of citizens. The Macao legislation adopts specific and operable provisions for protecting the right of privacy, which is 'the rights protection' legislative approach, to enforce the citizen rights. While the Mainland local legislation, which is 'the administration' legislative approach, has a strong administrative feature and protects citizens' privacy by strengthening administrative supervision. Concerning the problems in the Mainland local legislation, including 'emphasizing obtaining administrative power, while neglecting the limits of administrative power and the protection of citizen rights', and the lack of specific and operable provisions in terms of rights protection, this article suggests that, firstly, local legislation should be improved from 'the administration' approach to 'the rights protection' approach. Secondly, it should pay more attention to rights protection, scientifically and rationally define authorities, and specify rights, responsibilities and restrictions. Finally, it should improve the structure and language of legislation, enhance its operability, and effectively enforce the citizen rights.
起訖頁 71-79
關鍵詞 地方立法管理型權利保障型公共安全技術防範立法為民local legislationthe administration legislative approachthe rights protection legislative approachpublic security technologylegislation for the people
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201701 (2:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 提升設區的市立法質量的創新機制:立法點評
該期刊-下一篇 風險社會視角下的立法決策觀念轉變──以權力和權利為中心展開




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