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An Innovative Mechanism to Improve the Legislation Quality of Districted Cities: Legislation Comment
作者 廖軍權黃瀧一
Legislation is an important political activity of the state and the local legislation of districted cities are an important part of local politics. Innovating the working mechanism of legislation is an effective way to improve the legislation quality. Although the amended Legislation Law of PRC (2015) has endowed districted cities with legislative power to make local regulations, it is not independent power but only 'semi-legislative power'. At the initial stage of exercising legislative power by districted cities, the provincial people's congresses and their standing committees should not only fulfill the legal obligation of 'the keeper of legal unification' to ensure the legality of local regulation made by cities, but also perform the political obligation of 'the guardian of legislation' to promote the legislation quality. An example of 'guardian of legislation' is legislation comment, which is a kind of conference organized by the standing committee of the provincial people's congress to comment on the legality and rationality of local regulations made by districted cities. It is a guidance of the provincial people's congress for the people's congress of districted cities, and a working connection between them. The legislation comment organized by the standing committee of Guangdong people's congress is an innovative mechanism to improve the quality of local regulations made by districted cities. In the view of the results of six legislation comment conferences, it has become an important approach to improve the local legislation quality. To further improve this system and fully exert its function, the following aspects of legislation comment need to be improved: the personnel composition of the conference, ways and means of the comment, and the procedural connection.
起訖頁 60-70
關鍵詞 設區的市立法質量立法點評districted citylegislation qualitylegislation comment
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201701 (2:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 立法協商機制及其改革:基於廣東經驗的實證調研
該期刊-下一篇 從“管理型"邁向“權利保障型"的地方立法──基於內地與澳門公共安全技術防範立法的經驗比較




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