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Precise and Accurate Legislation: the Fundamental Path to Improve the Quality of Local Legislation in the New Period
作者 王波
Facing the new tide of promoting rule of law comprehensively, local legislation presents a great deal of charateristics, which require reformation of legislative concept and promotion of local legislative work. Based on the statues and experience about local legislation, pursuing precise and accurate legislation is the fundamental path to promote local legislation. In order to realize precise and accurate legislation, we have to achieve 'three accuracy, two precision and one system', which means to make sure that the orientation, rank and subject for legislation are accurate, and that the content and practice for legislation are exquisite, and that legislation system is led by the Chinese Communist Party, directed by the National People's Congress and joined by the society. To be concrete, in the perspective of legislation orientation, we should insist on political correctness, insure Constitution and laws effective, build up the overall consciousness, sustain fair legislative values, and persevere guiding function of legislation. As to legislation rank, we should assert the internal rules of law system, reflect the objective truth, legislate according to law, and emphasize prominent features. On the legislation subject, we should stick to the topic, base on local practice and find out the key link in the development of society and economy and institution problems. On legislation content, we should make the legislation more scientific, pertinent and effective, improve the law in operability and performability, and lay emphasis on one law for one subject, precise and exquisite. On practice for legislation, we should complete the data collection, insist the three-in-one combination for draft making, take the necessity, feasibility, fairness, legality, and standardability of legislation as key points for review, synthesize ways of argumentation, hearing, negotiation and assessment to overcome the challenges. In conclusion, under the system led by the Chinese Communist Party, directed by the National People's Congress and joined by the society, setting up and establishing the new idea of accurate and precise legislation is helpful to drive the new legislative practice and promote legislation quality, thoroughly boost rule of law.
起訖頁 34-46
關鍵詞 精准立法地方立法立法質量實踐經驗路徑precise and accurate legislationlocal legislationlegislation qualitypractical experiencepath
刊名 地方立法研究  
期數 201612 (1:1期)
出版單位 中山大學法學院
該期刊-上一篇 認真對待地方法治──以地方立法在國家法治建設中的功能定位為視角
該期刊-下一篇 中國地方立法的現實與轉型




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