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A Study on Practical Application of Geographic Information System For The Barrack Security
作者 廖志然翁在龍黃然
近年來危害國軍警衛安全之事件時有所聞,如何在國軍實施精兵政策下,國防人力精簡之際,以電腦化、自動化來完成此一耗費人力的營區安全管理工作,減少危機發生的機率達成防範危機發生的目標,成為一個極為重要的議題。監控系統(monitoring system)為值勤人員執行營區安全管理(Barrack Security Management)最直接使用工具,各單位依營區安全要求程度,購置適切數量監視及門禁設備,惟監控系統多數均無整合設備資訊及受不同部門管理,當發生緊急事件時,值勤人員通常無法於第一時間得知事件位置及處置方式;本研究應用GIS軟體,使設備綜合資訊展示於電子地圖上,已可達到具體化告警事件空間關係,並達到維護營區安全之目標,後續將採使用者評估驗證方式,調查使用者滿意度情形,俾收集到改進的寶貴參考意見,讓開發系統的延續價值及後期擴充上具積極正面意義。
There are more criminal attacks impacting the safety and security for the army. The military policy now is to cut national defense personnel. With restricted personnel, it is necessary to automate and computerize the process of Barrack Security Management to reduce the probability and risks of high-tech criminal activities. Monitoring System is the most direct tool for Barrack staffs to execute security operation. Procurement of security and access control facilities accords to the security levels of each unit. How ever, most security systems managed by different departments are lack of intergration; security staffs usually have difficulties to acquire the exact location at the first moment as the emergency events alerts.This study has utilized GIS techniques to display the location and information of security facilities on Barrack GIS Platform which has solved the issue of location acquirement for the security staffs.The following-up is to import the user assessment in order to collect the feedbacks for later system adjustment.
起訖頁 81-91
關鍵詞 地理資訊系統營區安全滿意度調查Geography Information System(GIS)Barrack SecurityUser Satisfaction
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 行動即時通訊APP持續使用意圖之研究──以LINE為例
該期刊-下一篇 服務領導與團隊效能之相關性研究




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