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Understanding the Continuance Intention to Use Messaging Apps: The Case of LINE
作者 周世宏汪彤沛林宛臻潘文婷
LINE App集內容、商業與服務為一身,在台灣擁有廣大用戶群與高使用率。為創造使用者知覺價值及黏著行為,LINE跳脫傳統通訊軟體僅能語音通話、訊息傳遞的框架,從官方帳號、表情貼圖、休閒遊戲等創新且富社交的功能,成為台灣人行動溝通的主流軟體。本研究以資訊系統成功模式、媒介豐富理論為基礎,藉由使用強度、情感依附、關鍵多數等觀點剖析使用者對於行動即時通訊軟體LINE的認知與滿意度,嘗試以多重面向建立影響持續使用意圖的研究架構。研究結果顯示,媒介豐富感知、資訊系統知覺品質對滿意度有顯著正向影響;滿意度、情感依附、認知關鍵多數對持續使用意圖有顯著正向影響;滿意度對情感依附與持續使用意圖之間具有中介效果。
LINE served as a single platform of integrating contents, services, and commence, has been widely used and possessed the largest market share in Taiwan. Escaping from traditional communication software only provides voice calls and messaging services, LINE offers experienced users innovative and wealthy social features such as expressive stickers, official accounts, casual games and so on, to create the perceived values and adhesive behaviors. Therefore, it gradually becomes the mainstream in mobile communication software market. The purpose of this research is to investigate the user's cognition and satisfaction, and to explore the factors related to the continuance intention in the context of mobile instant messaging apps. We associate the intensity of use, emotional attachment, critical mass with IS Success Model and media richness theory as a foundation, to construct a multi-faceted model, and then sample experienced LINE users. The results show perceived media richness and IS perceived quality both positively affect satisfaction. On the other hand, satisfaction, emotional attachment, perceived critical mass positively affect continuance intention. Meanwhile, emotional attachment impacts continuance intention indirectly through satisfaction as a mediator.
起訖頁 70-80
關鍵詞 媒介豐富理論資訊系統品質情感依附認知關鍵多數持續使用意圖Media RichnessIS QualityEmotional AttachmentCritical MassContinuance Intention
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
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