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Power and Rights-A Case Study of the Organization Competition in P. M. O.
作者 蔡佳惠 (Chia-Hui Tsai)蔡尚悳吳俊賢 (Chun-Hsien Wu)葉燉烟林俊名
Timely use of power in the organization acts on the functioning of the organization may be able to reach some of the expected results, smart operators know how to use power to boost the efficiency of the operator is a despicable use of power to meet the desires; no matter how, the most important sticking point is in itself artificial, because it is the people's authority to operate, rather than power to manipulate people in an organization if you use more than the positive power of negative power (because we can not stop within every human heart devil), in benign competing, will inevitably create a better vision for the organization. Political behavior within the organization, mostly based on personal interests as a priority consideration when the desires in conflict with the public interest, to be sacrificed is definitely a popular rather than their own, but accompanied by political action among the benefits arising from a (group) body, often to be selfish, struggle and conflict behavior occurs; however, the reality on the surface, it is up to the interests of unscrupulous is unchangeable definition, even if managers are mostly political behavior, the use of power tools from a negative point of view will be more Gao and not reduced, the current manager of the most important lessons should be learned how to manage and control the political behavior in order to reduce conflict within the organization to improve organizational efficiency as the goal.
起訖頁 56-69
關鍵詞 個案研究權力政治行為參與觀察法Case StudiesPowerPolitical behaviorParticipant Observation
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 金融科技加速金融業之數位轉型與應變策略
該期刊-下一篇 行動即時通訊APP持續使用意圖之研究──以LINE為例




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