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Digital Transformation and Strategies of Financial Sectors for FinTech
作者 陳逸昌
Recently the most popular term among technology and financial industries is “FinTech”, that is, financial technology. FinTech represents a trend of technology which combines with both the financial services as well as information technology. Those such as payments, asset management, loans and other financial services are exclusively by traditional banks during the past years. However, with the advances of today’s technology, many FinTech startups have joined the competitive world of financial industries. The emergence of FinTech has not only showed how the banks and startups improve their financial products, the user experience, but also created a fair competitive environment for individual investors and wealthy financial institutions. This paper will explore the issues related to financial technology, such as how FinTech has been quickly growing in the financial market, whileas produces innovative but low-cost financial services. The paper will also be in-depth understanding of the status of global financial institutions, and determine the reasons which accelerated the growth of FinTech during the past five years. Then this paper will discuss the innovative ways of FinTech and the process of democratization in the market, as well as the competition of the FinTech innovation with traditional financial institutions. Finally the development of financial technology in Taiwan and Singapore will be discussed. The issues of FinTech development through the support of governments, how a unified platform - created by the civil societies and organizations - to gather all the participants and resources of financial market, as well as the formation of the FinTech ecosystem for coping with this FinTech wave will be investigated.
起訖頁 47-55
關鍵詞 金融科技金融3.0大數據應用程式介面數位轉型FinTechBank 3.0Big DataAPIDigital Transformation
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201608 (5:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 在線即時客服模式對於客戶滿意度之影響
該期刊-下一篇 權力、權利──從P﹒M﹒O﹒看組織內部權力(權利)競賽




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