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The Case Study of Taiwanese Business in Vietnam: Challenges and Opportunities--After the Event of 513 Anti-China Protests”
作者 盧淑華李政隆
「南向政策」早已就是台灣政府與企業對外投資的重大政策之一,而越南又是台商「南向政策」之重要國家,台商是越南政府的第四大投資國;越南政府近年來亦提出諸多優惠外商投資之政策。從越南513排華事件對傳統產業的台商影響甚鉅,本研究欲瞭解位於越南胡志明市附近與平陽省當地台商,是否於該事件中受到創傷或者找到新商機。本研究擬採用質性研究與量表分析作為研究方法,一則藉由深度訪談得知:越南台商各行業的主要經濟特性、行業變革的驅動因素、關鍵成功因素(KSF)以及行業吸引力為何?並再藉由量表分析得知: 越南台商「產、銷、人、發、財」的"五管之分工"外,並應朝向'整體管理'的經營方向為何?研究結果顯示:越南的投資環境得天獨厚,具有相當的先天或後天優勢,雖然513排華暴動事件對台商越南投資影響有限,大多數越南台商不但不會撤離反而會「加碼投資」,故台商在越南的營運優勢還是明顯存在的。
Southward Policy' already is one of the major policies of Taiwan government and enterprises to invest overseas. Vietnam is an important country of Taiwan 'Southward Policy'. Taiwan is Vietnam's fourth largest investor in the government; In recent years, the Vietnamese government has also proposed policy to facilitate foreign investments. However, the event of 513 anti-Chinese incidents has been seriously impacting on Taiwanese traditional industries. This study aims to understand the case of Taiwanese businesses located in Ho Chi Minh City and Binh Duong Province, and seek whether any challenges and opportunities for those Taiwanese firms after the event. This research employed mixed method of qualitative research by interviewing and qualitative method by questionnaire to collect data. The results show that Vietnam is the most worthy investing country for Taiwanese firms. Although, 513 anti-Chinese riots in Vietnam is somewhat affected on Taiwanese firms. However, Taiwanese firms will not leave from Vietnam but still invest much capital in Vietnam due to its operational excellence.
起訖頁 301-310
關鍵詞 越南台商經營環境513排華事件營運困境或優勢Taiwanese businessmen in Vietnam513 anti-Chinese Event
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 應用科技模型於職業安全行動教育之研究--以營建業為例
該期刊-下一篇 園藝治療對特殊對象(受刑人)之應用與成效




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