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Apply TAM to Mobil Education on Safety Working : A Case Study in Construction
作者 何春玲楊登傑王和源
基於Web 2.0與雲端服務時代的來臨,數位化、互動性與擬真性的多媒體學習模式成為企業教育訓練發展的重要趨勢,尤其是3D虛擬實境技術在教育與工程領域的應用。近年來由於無線網路技術的成熟與科技設備的日益新穎,數位學習搭載雲端服務之相關領域研究也顯見不少,例如以營建業現場操作環境安全教育訓練為主題,針對常見營建職業災害所設計之虛擬實境教育訓練模式與課程。在雲端服務的啟動與逐步的發展與成熟下,相關藉由雲端應用與服務之科技系統也常見於周遭生活環境,而使用者之接受性也成為重要研究議題。本研究以營建業現場操作環境之安全教育訓練為主題,將針對現有3D虛擬實境安全教育訓練課程,在常見營建職業災害的主題下,探討人機互動之課程模式,對於目前勞工使用者之接受性與未來全面實施之可行性。故研究將以科技接受模式(Technology Aacceptance Model, TAM)為理論基礎,透過營建勞工的使用者觀點,經由實證與分析過程,探究影響接受性與行為意圖之重要因素。
Base on Web 2.0 and cloud services era, it is a trend to develop a digital, interactive and immersive multimedia learning mode of education for the enterprise. Especially in recent years, 3D virtual reality technology applied in education and engineering area. Such as 3D virtual safety education and training system, it focus on construction safety training, and via 3D objects and modules designed to build 3D virtual environment in construction safety education within the cloud service system. Due to Cloud service has been active and more and more completed, the cloud application and service system surround our life. Therefore, the acceptance of users has become an important study issue. The subject of this study is safety training applied on construction site and will conduct 3D Virtual Reality system into safety courses. For the common subject of construction occupational disaster, it will discuss the courses pattern of interaction between human and computer system and then understand currently acceptance of labors and full implementation of feasibility in the future. Therefore, the research is based on Technical Acceptance Mode1(TAM) and Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Usefulness will be the intermediate variables as well as add 4 outer variables which are system quality, self-efficacy, computer anxiety and user background, and via proving process to study the effected factories of behavior intentions.
起訖頁 293-300
關鍵詞 營建安全虛擬實境科技接受模型結構方程模式行為意圖Construction safetyvirtual reality (VR)technology acceptance model (TAM)structural equation modeling (SEM)behavioral intention.
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 手機遊戲使用行為、成癮與休閒滿意度相關性之研究──以高雄市中學生為例
該期刊-下一篇 當前越南台商經營環境與營運分析之研究--以513排華事件後為例




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