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The Application and Effectiveness of Horticultural therapy on special objects (inmates)
作者 蔡韋芳羅清吉
從現今的台灣社會看來,受刑人出監往往因能力不足、教育程度低、卑微的自我概念、缺乏自信心、成就感、挫折容忍度低、情緒管理及自我控制能力不佳又無正確的職場倫理觀念等種種因素,導致在監所輔導就業成效不彰,造成累犯有年年升高的現象。近年來多元化的治療方式陸續被運用在特殊學生身上,其中「園藝治療」Horticuleure therapy,也已有被運用在受刑人的短期園藝技訓教育課程中。從文獻回顧中,確實發現透過園藝治療可以讓受刑人對人生價值有不同的省思及正向思考,進而培養一技之長,對於出監後的社會適應及再就業都更具有自信。本文為作者實際於屏東監獄及看守所以園藝活動教學方法,針對園藝治療法應用於特殊對象(受刑人)應用方式與成效說明,希望能活化受刑人技訓教育並提升監所輔導就業之成效,對社會而言具有良善的價值。
Despite receiving the employment counseling in the prison accordingly, the inmates encounter some serious issues once they are released from the jail in regard to fit in the society in Taiwan today. They have troubles fitting in the main stream and getting a reasonable job mainly because of lack of high education level and capability, and low self-esteem and inability of being a self-manager, leading to lack of self-confidence and sense of accomplishment, low tolerance to frustration and anger and poor workplace ethics. As result, they tend to engage in repetitive crimes. In recent years, a wide ranges of treatment modalities have been used to assist special students to regain abilities. One of theses rehabilitation programs is Horticultural therapy. Horticultural therapy has been incorporated in technical training and education curriculum for shot-term inmates. Recent studies show that horticulture allows inmates not only to learn gardening skills in term of re-employment after prison but also to acquire the skills for social adaptation and to reflect on the value of life. The main purpose of this article is to promote the effectiveness of the proposed approach in order to encourage the inmates to attend appropriate technical training and education, hoping they become productive citizens in their communities.
起訖頁 311-317
關鍵詞 技訓教育受刑人園藝治療Technical training and educationInmatesHorticultural therapy
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 當前越南台商經營環境與營運分析之研究--以513排華事件後為例
該期刊-下一篇 宏達電智慧型手機設計價值與整體滿意度之研究




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