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A Study of the Job Stress, Personality Traits and Turnover – Taking Military Communications Development Office for Example
作者 許淑卿郭信霖許忠治李佶豐
本研究以國軍某電訊單位所屬志願役軍士官人員為調查對象,目的在瞭解單位內不同人格特質的軍士官人員,受工作壓力因素導致的離職退伍傾向影響情況。藉由國內外文獻探討,以工作壓力為切入觀點,採專家問卷訪談並運用分析層級程序法,建立「國軍電訊單位軍士官人員離職傾向」之準則因素與 5大構面、18項評選準則,分析造成離職傾向的因素及各因素之權重,進一步瞭解人員離職退伍背後所隱含的動機,藉此評估並規劃提供官兵較好的服役環境,適時減輕單位人員的工作壓力,讓優秀人力願意留任續用。
The objects of this research were the career officers at a military communications unit and the purpose of it was to comprehend the influence of job stress on retirement preference to officers of disparate personalities. With a survey of both international and local literatures, the concept of job stress as a central perspective, questionnaires and interviews of professionals as well as the analyses of hierarchy and procedure, this research attempted to educe the factors, five aspects and eighteen criteria of retirement preference to officers at a military communications unit, so as to further analyze the causes of preference for retirement. The result of this research will provide the military with perspectives on the motives and related factors involved in preference for retirement of officers, whereby the military may appraise and plan how to offer officers better work environments, properly lessen job stress and make outstanding officers willing to stay.
起訖頁 96-106
關鍵詞 工作壓力人格特質離職傾向分析層級程序法job stresspersonality traitsturnoveranalytic of hierarchy and process
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 201508 (4:特刊1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 The Customer Satisfaction of TJSC in Vietnam
該期刊-下一篇 以遊戲式學習方法建置腦波結合手勢操控的數位學習系統




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